Rachel Wayne, the founder of BLXXM, a leading floral design studio in NYC, began her journey in floral design driven by a passion for creativity and a desire to be part of the artistic community. Rachel moved to NYC to fully immerse herself in the floral industry. In 2021, she founded BLXXM, quickly earning a reputation for her artful approach and collaborative spirit. Rachel's work is heavily influenced by her travels, drawing inspiration from the colors and textures of various landscapes. We partnered with Rachel on our latest tabletop shoot, captivated by her innovative designs and the unique touch she brings to every project. The shoot was photographed by Ethan O'Grady. Read on for a look into Rachel's history and creative process. 

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you get into this industry?

It's funny how this is always the first question but the hardest for me to answer since my path to floral design has been a series of interconnected moments. It started nine years ago in Nashville, TN, where I desperately wanted to be a part of its creative community. I was dating a musician at the time who needed flowers for his low-budget music video, and I blindly offered to help. From there it was wildfire; musicians, photographers, creatives all reached out for flowers. I found myself swept up in the creativity and opportunity of it all. Eventually, I left the security of a full-time job and moved to NYC to pursue my career in the floral industry. It was one of the most exciting but terrifying times of my life. After freelancing and working for several corporate designers, I left to start my own design studio in the spring of 2021, BLXXM.

Seaside Vase

Beau Rush

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Coral Vase

Beau Rush

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 2. What is your favorite bloom for spring? What about summer?

Spring: Tulips. Tulips have this trait where even after you cut them, they keep growing towards the light. It's kind of like a reminder that growth doesn't stop, even when your surroundings change. I think there's something really beautiful and hopeful about that. Snapdragons also share this trait, which is my mother's favorite flower. When I found this out I thought, how special we share flowers with the same secret trait.


Summer: Smoke bush, forever and ever. 

Sirens Vase

Beau Rush

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Petite Pomona Bowl

Studio H

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 3. What are your tips for creating a casual Mediterranean-inspired tablescape?

Texture, Found Objects, & Apero. Textured Elements that feel as if you pulled them out of the ocean. Found or worn in objects like vintage glassware and soft blankets. I spent a month on the coast of France last summer living on fresh fruit, olives, soft bread, butter, and wine. When you're surrounded by close friends, it's the simplest things that make you feel full.

4. What is your favorite kind of project to work on?

Set Design. I'm fortunate to have a close, supportive community of photographer friends in the city who trust my creative ideas wholeheartedly. We collaborate concepts together and trust each other to bring each creative aspect to life. My favorite work has always come from working on projects with other creatives.

Coral Vase

Beau Rush

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Karen Quirion

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5. Where do you go for inspiration?

Travel. As a floral designer, my work ebbs and flows with the seasons, leaving me with downtime during winter and summer. When I travel, I'm constantly taking mental pictures of the color palettes and textures within the landscapeRemembering how they feel and drawing to that same feeling when creating in any medium.


Aleksandra Krasnopolska

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Isolated No. 11

Canoa Lab

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 6. Is anything exciting coming up?

Autumn Season. We have a huge wedding season ahead with clients tying the knot at iconic NYC venues like Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and Central Park Zoo. I never thought I'd be here in just three short years of starting BLXXM. To be trusted creatively on such a large scale is a humbling dream come true.