Dorri Buchholtz found sculpture later in life. With a long career in sports medicine and sports performance, she had always been drawn to the fluidity of the human body - particularly the female form, for its grace and strength as well as its emotional and physical flexibility. After wandering into an open studio, under the instruction of internationally known sculptor Martin Dawe, she felt she had nothing to lose and much more to gain by following her creativity. The body became her most frequent subject - never mute, its posture and gestures sending out powerful messages of vulnerabilities, insecurities, courage, and self-confidence. Dorri finds the process of creating cathartic and often starts with a block of clay and no idea of what may emerge from it. She slowly moves the clay, letting it guide her touch as a form takes shape, paying close attention to each tactile sensation until she has a vision of what it might become. While the outcome is not yet known, she indulges in its potential. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Dorri sculpts from her home studio, working with water-based clay and casts in composite, stone, cold cast bronze, and foundry bronze.